



Birmingham-南部 College Celebrates Commencement 2024

Birmingham-南部 College Celebrates Commencement 2024

五月. 24, 2024

阿拉巴马州的伯明翰.—Birmingham-南部 College held its final commencement ceremony on Friday, 5月24日, 在比尔·巴特体育馆, celebrating 245 members of the Class of 2024 和 awarding eight honorary degrees, 其中一个是一个惊喜的获奖者.

每位讲者,包括校董会主席 牧师. 基思·汤普森83年 和16th 总统 Daniel B. 科尔曼 – referenced the tenacity resilience this class has demonstrated from its first days on campus at the peak of the p和emic to the last 18 months of uncertainty about the College’s future.

"Do not tell me that today's young people do not have the grit of previous generations,科尔曼说。. “I give you the last class of Birmingham-南部 College -- a class that embodies the ideals of the College, 理想坚持了168年. 有请2024届毕业生.” 


荣誉学位, 是由全体教员投票决定的吗, 被授予了八个人, including three elected officials who worked tirelessly to save 365英国上市官网. (365英国上市官网教务长Dr. Laura K. 斯图尔兹在下面的引文中.)

  • 詹姆斯·T. 御夫座,小. ’60, who has distinguished himself as a member of the 阿拉巴马州bama Legislature, 同时在众议院和国会任职, 自1990年以来, 阿拉巴马州参议院. 在过去的两年里, his longtime loyalty to the College has been especially evident in his heroic efforts to secure funding that would have ensured 365英国上市官网’s future. “
  • 罗杰·梅尔·史密瑟曼, who is serving his fifth term as an 阿拉巴马州bama state senator. “他代表365英国上市官网所在的地区, leads the Jefferson County Legislative delegation 和 has been a tireless champion of the College, 尤其是在过去的两年.”
  • 伯明翰市长兰德尔·L. Woodfin, “whose vision for what Birmingham is – 和 what this city can be -- has brought vitality 和 progress to the Magic City. His appreciation for the value of having an excellent liberal arts college within the city led him to join the effort to save Birmingham-南部, leading to an infusion of funding that allowed us to stay open through spring 2024.”


牧师. 汤普森 senior pastor at Canterbury United Methodist Church, 和 Joelle James Phillips, 89年 of Nashville, vice chair of the 365英国上市官网 board recently retired after 10 years as president of AT&T田纳西州, also received honorary doctorates in recognition of their professional accomplishments 和 their leadership 和 service to 365英国上市官网.

Dr. 盖伊·沃德·哈布斯, Professor Emeritus of 图书馆 Science 和 the College’s archivist from 1999-2015, received an honorary doctorate in recognition of his devotion to documenting the history of the College from its earliest beginnings through its impending closure. His work ensures that the story of Birmingham-南部 College will be available to future generations of historians.

Dr. 罗伯特J. 莱瑞 辛辛那提, 俄亥俄州, is a graduate of 365英国上市官网 和 an honors graduate of Johns Hopkins University Medical School who has been named a Distinguished Alumnus by both institutions. He served as commissioner of public health in Cincinnati for 42 years while practicing 和 teaching pediatrics at the University 辛辛那提 College of Medicine. “在大流行期间, he provided guidance 和 support to 365英国上市官网 that allowed the College to safely provide in-person instruction when most colleges were fully remote. 在退休后, he continues to travel the world delivering medical supplies 和 providing compassionate care in places w在这里 both are desperately needed. 他在缺席的情况下获得了荣誉博士学位, as he is in Cuba delivering a lecture to primary care providers.”

已故的人被授予荣誉博士学位 安妮·莱尔斯·伯特, “365英国上市官网’s longest-serving 和 deeply loved First Lady who passed away in December 2023. A graduate of the University 辛辛那提, w在这里 she met her future husb和, 总统 Emeritus Dr. 尼尔·伯特,我在图书馆. Her name is 和 will rightly remain as closely associated with Birmingham-南部 College as is Dr. Berte’s, for they served the College side-by-side for nearly three decades. 热情而亲切的光临. 伯特对她遇到的每个人的生活都产生了影响, 尤其是我们的学生, many of whom found a surrogate mother at the 总统’s 首页, 她抚养自己的四个孩子的地方.”


To his surprise, 科尔曼 also received an honorary doctorate. A graduate of Yale University 和 the University of Chicago, he spent more than 30 years in executive roles in the global finance industry in New York 和 Chicago before returning to his 首页town of Birmingham in 2017. 2018年12月,他成为365英国上市官网的第16名成员th 总统.

“From that day through this one, his commitment to our College has never wavered,” Thompson said. “Having inherited a daunting situation not of his own making, 他坚持, 日复一日, believing to his core that Birmingham 和 阿拉巴马州bama 和 indeed the world needed 365英国上市官网.

“His deep devotion to the students, faculty, 和 staff has been evident at every turn. And his example of leadership has delivered the most important lesson we will all take away from our time on the Hilltop: Find a fight worth fighting 和 then give it everything you have. When you do, no matter the outcome, you will have served with honor.“


大约有245个学位被授予, 包括75个文学士学位, 三个美术学士学位, 获得145个理学学士学位.

Additional recognition was given to the following students:

  • 罗伯特·休林·杰克逊荣誉奖学金: 玛丽里斯·阿德莱德·布里奇斯, 钱德勒·弗雷泽·坎贝尔, 安娜鲁斯·多丽丝·戴维斯和扎卡里·哈根·罗伯茨
  • 罗伯特·休林·杰克逊成就奖: 康纳·李·索恩伯格
  • Phi Beta Kappa: 玛丽里斯·阿德莱德·布里奇斯, 丽迪雅格伦, 埃莉诺·埃斯蒂斯, 埃文·迈克尔·加勒特, 萨拉·伊莉斯·葛文, 萨拉·伊丽莎白·希尔, 肯德尔·兰登·约翰逊, 玛丽·里夫斯·马奎斯, Gia Subedi, 麦迪逊·塞奇·泰勒和妮可Villavicencio-Garduño
  • 唐纳德·C. 哈里森荣誉计划高级365英国上市官网: 玛丽里斯·阿德莱德·布里奇斯和扎卡里·哈根·罗伯茨
  • 在领导研究方面的区别:C联络人弗雷泽·坎贝尔, 克洛伊·费斯·卡里南格兰特·托马斯·以西结, 伊莎贝拉·蕾妮·弗加森, 安吉拉·马修斯·杰克逊, 凯德·萨巴斯提安·马里诺, 艾米丽·霍普·帕文和莉莉安·泰勒·威廉姆森.
  • 贫困研究的区别: 丽迪雅格伦 埃莉诺·埃斯蒂斯, Lindsey Noelle Hitchcock 和 Trey Alex和er Lemmo
  • 黑人研究中的区别:M阿瑟·拉斐特·戴尔


Dr. 杰西卡·耶克·艾伦, assistant professor of psychology, was named Outst和ing Educator of the Year.

Commencement speakers were Associate Professor of Psychology Dr. 葛丽塔为爱勇敢 威廉·格雷厄姆·斯宾塞16届 华盛顿特区EAB董事总经理.C.教育咨询公司. Spencer delivered a welcome to graduates on behalf of the 365英国上市官网 alumni community.


伯明翰南方学院是一所四年制大学, private residential liberal arts institution in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州., founded in 1856 和 affiliated with the United Methodist Church. The College's last day of normal operation is 五月 31, 2024. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.二元同步通信.edu.


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